Was Mama isst, während sie schwanger ist, kann das Kind ein Leben lang mit seinem Gewicht kämpfen lassen. Zucker in der Nahrung der Mutter geht zum Kind über, und kann dort entscheiden, was für eine Zelle es wird. Wenn Mama Essen isst, das Zucker schnell ins Blut abgibt, kann es dazu kommen, dass das ungeborene Kind mehr Fettzellen bei Geburt hat. Dies wiederum führt zu einer 5-fachen Steigerung der Wahrscheinlichkeit des Kindes, Kinder-Fettleibigkeit zu entwickeln.
“According to Professor Keith Godfrey, it’s not only down to genetics but also how genes are switched on or off during life in the womb. Mum’s nutrition has a long term effect on the health of the baby, and part of that includes a big predisposition to obesity.
Keith’s research suggests food that releases sugars quickly into a pregnant mother’s circulation can have a lasting impact on their baby’s weight. These high sugar levels flow across the placenta and affect the way in which the unborn baby’s genes are turned on or off.
“There are switches, chemical switches, on the DNA, which are influenced by the mother’s sugar levels and her diet, which tell one cell to be a muscle cell and another cell to be a fat cell.
And when there are excessive amounts of sugar coming acros the placenta, then there is an excess of fat cells. And that excess fat cell complement is with you forever.”
This leads to a five fold increase in the risk of childhood obesity.”